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Taxicab Geometry

Exploring π in Taxicab Geometry


Exploring π in Taxicab Geometry is an interactive tool designed for understanding Taxicab geometry concepts. The applet allow users to resize a “circle” and adjust a line segment to align with a side of a square. As users modify these elements, the applet computes the circumference of the “circle”, taxicab distance of line segment AB, and the value of π specific to `taxicab metric'. Overall, this applet provides a hands-on, visual exploration of Taxicab geometry, enabling users to observe the relationships between “circle” size, circumference, distances, and the unique value of π within this alternate geometry.


  1. Drag the slider, s, to create a “circle” in Taxicab geometry.
  2. Align segment, AB, to one side of the square either by (1) dragging point A and B or (2) inputting the desired ordered pair for A and B.
  3. Using the ordered pair fo A and B, see if you can determine the taxicab distance, circumference, and value oof π.
  4. Check the “Show taxicab distance” box to see point C. Look at the y - value. This is the circumference of the “circle” or perimeter of the square.
  5. Check the “Show circumference box to see the distance of AB. This is the distance needed to get from point A to point B and vice versa.
  6. Check the “Show π” to see the value of π. What can you conclude about π in Taxicab geometry?.